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Medicine in School
Staff are not permitted to administer any form of medication to children without prior agreement.
If there are any medical needs with your child then please inform us and an appropriate care plan/form will be completed - No medication will be administered without this.
Most staff are trained to administer an Epi-Pen for children who have nut allergies should an emergency arise.
If your child uses an inhaler, please inform the school and complete the confidential medical record for asthma inhaler users so that the school is fully aware of any procedures, the use and storage of inhalers.
For antibiotics, the school will only administer if the dosage is four times a day, if it is three times a day then it is expected for parents to administer this at home.
Where medication is being brought into school, please note it must be in its original container and with the pharmacy label on the container showing the child's name. We cannot take any medication that has been taken out its original container.
As a school we do keep Paracetamol liquid in stock for children who may require it during school hours. All parents are provided with a form to sign if they consent to this. Please note we will contact you to obtain permission before administering.