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Welcome from the Headteacher

Welcome to Meryfield Primary's website, we hope you find it interesting and informative and that it gives you a glimpse into life at our school.

Our mission is to give all Meryfield children the skills and confidence to open doors of opportunities throughout their lives. We have high expectations for all our children and continuously support them so they are happy, secure and have fun learning as we want them to achieve their very best academically and socially.

We are very proud of our school and the exciting learning opportunities we offer through a stimulating, creative and challenging curriculum. 

Our latest Ofsted report, in May 2022, recognised the school as continuing to  provide a “Good” education for its pupils. It states that:

"Meryfield Primary is a very inclusive school. Pupils come from a wide range of cultural backgrounds and speak many different languages. Children spoke warmly about how they make new members of their class welcome. They are polite and well behaved."

“Pupils enjoy their learning. They talked excitedly about the different activities they do in lessons and the trips they go on. The curriculum is well constructed. It is very clear for teachers what should be taught and when. As a result, pupils make progress, gaining knowledge and skills, year on year.

From the  parents who responded to Parent View, (Ofsted’s online parental questionnaire), 95% said they would recommend Meryfield to another parent.

As the comments above suggest, we are working hard to provide a quality education for all our  children. We greatly value working in partnership with you, as no one knows your child as well as you do, so we have an ‘open door’ policy, and encourage you to visit and become actively involved in your child’s learning.

We have extensive grounds for sports and outdoor learning, including a wildlife area and pond for science. Clubs vary from term to term but over the last year these have included: athletics, multi-sports, football, hockey, tennis, basketball, dance, drama, choir, e-safety, green team and gardening.

If you would like further information or would like to visit please do not hesitate to contact the school office. I would be delighted to meet you and show you around.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs Alexandra Gage
Head Teacher