Before and After School Care

Breakfast Club:

At Meryfield we offer a Breakfast Club facility to all children from Reception (age from 5 years old) to Year 6. 
Breakfast Club starts at 7.45am where children are provided with a healthy breakfast of cereals and toast. 
The cost is £3.50 for every morning they attend and must be paid in advance, the week before attending. Your ParentPay account will be charged for the days you have agreed to book your child onto the Breakfast club.
After breakfast they then have the opportunity to socialise and play with their friends before school starts

Wraparound Care:

We are very fortunate to be able to provide a Wraparound care after school club
The club is staffed by internal school staff and runs daily from 3.15pm - 5.30pm and is available to all children from Reception (age from 5 years old) to Year 6.
Children are provided with a healthy light tea. A variety of games and books are available for them to enjoy as well as activities run throughout their stay.
To use the club and secure a place children have to be registered initially and then payment made online via ParentPay (alternative payment method you may need to use, please discuss with the school office beforehand). Wraparound Care prices starts from £6 per hour.
Please see attached information for more information: