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At Meryfield, we aim to provide children with a positive attitude towards exercise and teach them important skills which they will carry into later life.

We want the children to understand that participating in sport is important for our well-being both physically and mentally. 

The children are provided with 2 hours of PE a week, covering various areas such as dance, golf, football, gymnastics and more. KS2 also have swimming lessons. Across the school, we participate in the daily mile which allows the children to run for 15 minutes everyday which, we hope, will improve their overall fitness and give them many positive benefits. 
Sports Crew and Play Leaders
At Meryfield, we want the children to begin to learn how to lead sports sessions and support other children. Our Year 5 leaders are trained and support younger children from KS1, once a week, during their lunchtime, with playground games. This develops the children's understanding of how to lead a small game and their dedication. 
We also have a sports crew which involves 8 children, 2 from each year group in KS2. These children come together once every two weeks and discuss any ideas/ issues that have been presented to them by their peers. This gives the children a voice in relation to their PE opportunities.