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Vision & Values

Our mission is: to give all Meryfield children the skills and confidence to open doors to opportunities throughout their lives.

This encapsulates the ethos of the school where we place high expectations on all learners and support them academically as well as personally to achieve their very best.
Our vision is: for children to be buzzing with excitement about learning.
Our aims are:
  1. To increase attainment in English and Maths.
  2. To create RICH (Resilient Independent Confident and Happy) children.
We do this by:
  • Providing equality of opportunity for all children and personalising learning so that all our children enjoy school and are challenged to achieve their best;
  • Maintaining our happy, supportive and nurturing school community through a strong framework, continually promoting good behaviour and positive attitudes;
  • Fostering the development of a positive self-image, independence and sense of responsibility;
  • Ensuring the values of democracy, respect, tolerance, rule of law and freedom continue to underpin our ethos and are embedded within the everyday life and work of our school;
  • Seeking the views of our children regularly, so that they feel safe and their opinions are valued;
  • Working in partnership with parents/carers, the Agora Learning Partnership, the local community and external agencies to support the achievement and well-being of every child;
  • Providing an inspirational learning-centred environment where children and adults feel confident, secure and motivated to become creative, resilient life-long learners;
  • Involving everyone in reflecting on and evaluating our school to ensure it continues to  meet the needs of our community.